the making of The Cod
Boston Harbor gained a new symbol of nature’s wonder, and a new focus for environmental education with the debut of a spectacular, forty- foot metal sculpture of a codfish in September 2009.
Our fish story begins at the Boston Harbor Shipyard with a man and a big fish, and a dream.
Steve Israel, founder of HA, is a man who is passionate about our ocean planet and believes firmly that through art you can raise public awareness. Combine this with a background as an artisan with an extensive knowledge of the salvage industry and you know the result will be interesting. Steve, collaborating with Artist Roger Baker and Marc Casasanta, assembled a small team of artists and artisans at the Boston Harbor Shipyard to craft a monumental, forty foot steel Cod, the unofficial symbol of Boston.

The Codfish, once used as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ state emblem, was the base of the fishing industry here. In 1776 the cod contributed to 35% of New England’s total export revenue.
Today the Cod is endangered. Excessive commercial fishing led to the decline of the codfish with indications that our last “wild” food source was in jeopardy.

It is hoped that through awareness of the issue this trend will be reversed and Cod stocks will return from current levels of near extinction.
It is hoped that through awareness of the issue this trend will be reversed and Cod stocks will return from current levels of near extinction – and this, for a fish that at a year old has virtually no predators other than man.
Thanks to Steve and the HarborArts' Team – Roger Baker, Marc Casasanta, Bill McCormick and Matt D’Amore you can see the Cod in it’s new home in the HarborArts Gallery in theBoston Harbor Shipyard in East Boston, MA surrounded by installations created by artists from three continents.

meet the sturgeon
Right now a blueprint for constructing an 83 foot Sturgeon is on the drawing board. Harbor Arts’ monumental metal sculpture is scheduled to make a 275-mile journey from Boston Harbor to Manhattan’s wharves and its new home on the Hudson River next year.
The Sturgeon is the iconic fish symbol of the Hudson River Clean Up. This Clean up began over 25 years ago. The river was heavily polluted due to industrial waste and toxic chemicals.
The results were devastating. Many species of fresh water fish disappeared. Thanks to many environmental groups, the Hudson is making a come back and is welcoming the return of many natural fish including, our favorite, The Sturgeon.
The Sturgeon sculpture is due to “float” down the east coast from Boston to New York’s Hudson River in 2013. Please join us in our effort to make this journey a reality.